Courses at

Typical daily schedule

8.00-10: Yoga and breathing exercises
10-12.00: Breakfast and karma yoga (e.g. in the organic garden)
12-13.30 Meditation (yoga nidra and ajapa japa)
13.30-18 Lunch and afternoon break
18-19.30 Small yoga programme, and meditation (Antar Mouna)
19.30-22 Dinner and evening break
22-23.30 Dancing, evening meditation

All of these events will occur basically every day, and they have their own processes. So, for instance, the yoga programmes in the morning will be rather easy on the first day, and then gradually become more and more advanced. Similarly, the meditations must be taught little by little, meaning that you will only know the whole meditations at the end of the course. Apart from these developments, the daily schedule will also constitute a process of its own, where the different events complement and prepare for other. These different events during the day complement each other so that you rather quickly will move through various moods or issues that may arise from the yoga, so that your "yogic development" will be much advanced even though this course is only 7 days. Day 1 is only arrival day, with a welcome circle; day 2 and 3 is according to the above schedule; day 4 is devoted to Shankaprakshalana (intenstinal cleansing); and days 5-8 are according to the above schedule. Days 5-8 constitute the peak of the course, and will be carried out in silence, where you do not speak, read, phone, surf the web, or intellectualize. This silence allows you to be more perceptive for the meditations you learn, and also to communicate with each other much more: partly through body-language but mostly because you will become susceptible to each others presence. The silence is broken in the afternoon of day 8, whereafter you start to change the process outwards again, so that you are ready to leave for the outside world around lunch on day 10.

Casa acequia at day and night (where we were 2011)